A user cannot remember their password to login to the profilter portal and needs their password reset.
Solution: Legacy - profilter V1
Note - This knowledgebase article is based on legacy profilter v1
Login to as an adminstrator for that domain.
- Click the Settings tab.
- Click the Users tab.
- Enter the user's name in the Lookup User field (you can use '*' as a wildcard, e.g. '*smith*')
- Click the Find Users button.
- Click the correct user in the list returned to 'become' that user. You should be taken to their Welcome page.
- Click the Settings tab.
- Type a new password into the New Password field and confirm it in the Confirm New Password field.
- Click the Update Login Credentials button.
Upgrade from legacy profilter
Profilter V1 reached end-of-life for development on the 30th June 2017.
Please visit the profilter section of the website to see information on the latest version of profilter. Please contact us regarding upgrade and migration options.