Prolateral Consulting Ltd
Prolateral Consulting Ltd

Microsoft learnt that on the 1st October 2009 several thousand Windows Live Hotmail customers’ credentials had been exposed on a website called

Where? is normally used by programmers to share pieces of computer code with each other however the site owner (Paul Dixon) has already taken measures to block the information from being published that had been obtained from the phishing attack.


Phishing attacks are common online, and usually begin with the arrival of a legitimate-looking email containing a link to a realistic-looking website - often a bank or email provider. Users who click onto the fake website are then encouraged to log in - unwittingly handing their details over to the perpetrator in the process.

What do I do?

Ian Chilvers, Security consultant and Operations Director of Prolateral Consulting stated, “Anyone using hotmail should change their password immediately. Likewise for any other sites that you use using the hotmail credentials to change those as well”

He further added, “That although hotmail accounts are mostly used by end-users some small companies use hotmail addresses as well. Prolateral is based in Luton, Bedfordshire and if you want to discuss security concerns with us then to give us a call”.

How do I change my hotmail password?

  • Login in to your hotmail account
  • Select options on the top right corner
  • Under the personal options section select password (you may be prompted to login in again)
  • Change password screen will appear following the directions on screen

Prolateral can help you

If you think you have had your hotmail account hijacked or phished and need help then give us a call. Prolateral Consulting is an IT Security company specialising in the protection of your computer systems. Prolateral is solution partners with Symantec and eSet to help provide you the best of breed solution that is tailored to fit your business requirement.  Together with proFilter, Prolateral's first rate anti-spam and anti-phishing email filter we have the complete solution.

About Prolateral

Prolateral Consulting is in business to put your organisation back in control of your own Information Technology, specialising in information and messaging security, computer forensic services, and disaster recovery planing.

Contact Info

Prolateral Consulting Ltd
Luton, Bedfordshire, UK
Tel : +44 (0) 8450 763760
Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Please complete the request for information if you wish to discuss matters further or if your needs are more urgent then you can request a call back from us.