We are becoming ever reliant on our home and office networks for communication and productivity, as a society. The only downside to this is that if we were to lose the use of our networks or computers for whatever reason, it would have a large knock on effect, causing frustration, wasted time and lost revenue.
Unfortunately, as we use the internet more and more, it becomes more and more profitable for hackers to get to your data. Therefore, they will spend more time and effort trying to get it. Computer hackers have created viruses and other malicious software, or malware, for a relatively long time now, considering how long the internet has been in wide use. But now they are using more and more complex methods to obtain data.
Hackers have recently discovered a new way to make money. They create a program that is a virus, a Trojan horse, or worm. This will exploit security flaws in web browsers or e-mail clients. An infected computer can then be taken over and controlled over the internet by the hacker or hackers, without any knowledge of the owner at all. The only noticeable difference may be that the computer seems to run slower. Once a hacker has a network of these computers that are effectively under their control, this is known as a “botnet”. This botnet will then be sold on by the creator of the botnet to someone who wants to use this network of computers to spam millions of people.
There are many repercussions for the owner of any PC that has been taken over as part of a botnet, known as a “zombie computer”:
- The computer will run a lot slower, preventing productivity and causing frustration;
- There is potential for loss of data, as the hacker may delete it;
- There is potential for ID fraud as the hacker could look into any files on the infected computer;
People are already taking primitive action against these botnets, for example, keeping their operating system and Anti-Virus software up to date as well as ignoring and deleting suspicious looking emails. Whilst these are all good ideas and should be continually employed tactics to avoid getting viruses, wouldn’t it be better if these viruses never even reached your network? Prolateral offer a hosted anti-spam, email filtering service, called proFilter, that quarantines viruses and spam email on proFilter’s servers before it even gets to your network. Therefore virtually eliminating the possibility of ever being infected by a email borne threat and becoming part of a botnet.
Prolateral can help you
If you think you have been affected by this problem and need help then give us a call. Prolateral Consulting is an IT Security company specialising in the protection of your computer systems. Prolateral is solution partners with Symantec and eSet to help provide you the best of breed solution that is tailored to fit your business requirement. Together with proFilter, Prolateral's first rate anti-spam and anti-phishing email filter we have the complete solution.
About Prolateral
Prolateral Consulting is in business to put your organisation back in control of your own Information Technology, specialising in information and messaging security, computer forensic services, and disaster recovery planing.
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Prolateral Consulting Ltd
Luton, Bedfordshire, UK
Tel : +44 (0) 8450 763760
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